Work properly a treasure in the world in, the deathless grass also calculated the toppest Class. "Is wild limitless, there is deathless grass may also, you iron dress door can get this news."The Teng green mountain stares at Liu Jian. "This deathless grass relates to a graveness.Once reveal to go out, probably arouse super strong Ji of some concealed life times Yu, by that time, I iron dress door, perhaps can not cope with a world of super strong."Liu Jian says, " so this time, we are led person's horse in person by Bo Zu of teacher, all the way very careful go forward.However ……we pretty see Teng get you generally in the Inn of city in the south, afterwards again at wild in run into you, we doubt, you are intentionally following us!" The Teng green mountain inwardly nods. Originally saw oneself two. "This deathless grass relation is important, for the sake of just in case, so, teacher Bo Zu orderanies me to kill you!"Liu Jian connects to say. "You teacher who is Bo Zu ?"The Teng green mountain drinks a way. Liu Jian says:"Teacher Bo Zu, he nameds'Deng Geng'!" "Deng Geng?The superior of the inborn?"The Teng green mountain asks a way. "H'm, inborn.He is me iron dress door to enforce the law elder."Liu Jian says, Teng green mountain the eyebrows is tiny tiny a wrinkly:"Inborn in which state?" Liu Jian shakes head a way:"This I don't know."See a Teng green mountain vision cold down, Liu Jian connects a frightened way:"The Teng gets generally, this I really don't know!Teacher Bo Zu at my iron dress high status inside the door, he is strong inborn many peoples to all know.But, he is a Dan, solid Dan gold Dan falsely and still, I one protect how may the method know?This is the big secret." "Hum."The Teng green mountain nods. "That G, steps into inborn how long?"The Teng green mountain asks a way again, according to stepping into inborn length, also ability inching judgment the other party real strenght. "Is afraid to have 20 years."Liu Jian says. 20 years! Isn't long not short time, someone steps into inborn after 20 years, didn't progress.The person, 20 years who can have, ability from falsely the Dan beat peak all the way'gold Dan'. "I ask your last question!If you like an answer, I can not kill you."The Teng green mountain throws Liu Jian to one side, hit withered wither a leaf to win on the ground, peep out one silk smiling face on the face, " however, if you tell a lie!I will slowly interrupt your arms and legs, again slowly, a root of, make all of your fingers ground, after, take knife, set aside a very shallow wound on you, blood run off come, that bloody flavor ……will draw on circumferential of the wild beast be lived by the wild beast to eat up and estimate, you will like very much." The Liu Jian's facial expression is pale. "Say, where do you want to go to be wild?"The Teng green mountain fiercely drinks a way! Liu sets up one Zhi. Destination but a big secret, once telling others, in a mess. "Have backbone."The Teng green mountain smiles, on stretching hand, the lightning flash sort holds tight the left hand wrist that Liu sets up.Liu Jian frightenedly and immediately shouts a way:"Not, don't , I, I say, I say!!!" "Mao!" Teng green mountain fiercely on twisting, imitate Buddha wooden board to split a voice, that small arm is whole to split, white dark bones all peep out. "Remember, don't hesitate!I have no time to waste with you!"The Teng green mountain stood. "Is a half month lake!Wild half month lake!"Liu Jian connects to say. The Teng green mountain facial expression is cold to come down:"Liu Jian!In fact I get into this time wild, root and you iron dress door is irrelevant, you seek to come up and kill me by yourself ……press the truth, I should kill you, can I give you opportunity!However, you make me disappointed, you unexpectedly still keep telling a lie!So, is your burial ground here." "Not, I didn't tell a lie."Liu Jian connects to shout a way. "Hum, the half month lake is in the wild central district!From your Chu's county, go to wild half month lake, recent road, should be to go forward all the way, then get into burning continent, from burning the continent get into wild!"The Teng green mountain looking at Liu Jian, Liu Jian's facial expression changed, anxious way:"I iron dress door is in the Yang state everywhere someone's hand, so walk ……" Teng green mountain but close behind way:"Even if you are from the south pretty the city set out and go to wild half month lake, should also make headway toward the southwest square.But isn't a direction due south!, You teacher Bo Zu, like to round road?" Liu Jian bites a tooth, dark hate.